AxieBet88 | legit online casino in Philippines – free bonus

AxieBet88 | legit and safely online casino in Philippines - free bonus

Golden Empire

AxieBet88_Golden Empire

Golden Empire


  1. Golden Frame will only appear on the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th Axle in Golden Empire.
  2. when Golden Frame are eliminated, it will be replaced by Wild cards that can be eliminated multiple times.
  3. Numbers on Wild cards indicate how many times it can be eliminated. If the number shows 2 or more, the Wild cards will not disappear but decrease by 1 when won (eliminated).
  4. If the number on the Wild cards is 1 or is a normal Wild card, when won the Wild card will disappear.


Game Rules:

Game Rules:

  1. Bet line wins pay if in succession starting from the leftmost reel to right according to paytable.
  2. Maximum Payline is 32400 megaways.
  3. Only the biggest payout is considered for each payline .
  4. Winnings = Bet x Pay.
  5. In the event of any malfunction that causes the outcome of the game to be undecided, the game round will be invalid.



Can replace any symbol (except for Scatter).Will only appear on the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th Axle.



In normal game, win 4 Scatters to play Free Game (8 rounds). Every extra Scatter will earn you 2 rounds.

Free Game – Collect Airplanes

Free Game – Collect Airplanes

  • In Free Game, the starting multiplier (accumulative) is X1 in Golden Empire
  • In a Free game, once the 1nd clearing starts, the accumulated multiplier will increase by 1 each time it’s cleared, and the next clearing bonus will apply the current accumulated multiplier.
  • In Free Game, multipliers will not reset, and will add up till end of Free Game.
  • In Free Game, win 4 Scatters to play Free Game (8 rounds). Every extra Scatter will earn you 2 rounds.


Player reviews

Embark on an electrifying gaming journey with “Golden Empire” – a game that promises mystery, opportunities, and the chance to strike gold. Here, we delve into the captivating features and rules that make Golden Empire a must-try experience. Join us as we explore the thrilling gameplay offered exclusively at AxieBet88.

In the realm of “Golden Empire,” golden frames grace the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th reels, setting the stage for wild possibilities. Successfully removing these frames unleashes wild cards, eliminable multiple times. Keep an eye on the numbers displayed on these cards – a value of 2 or more ensures their persistence, diminishing by 1 with each triumphant elimination. If the number is 1 or they’re standard wild cards, a win will see them vanish, adding an extra layer of excitement to your gameplay.

With a maximum of 32,400 megaways, “Golden Empire” offers an expansive canvas for thrilling wins. Payline victories unfold from the leftmost reel to the right, following the paytable guidelines. Remember, only the highest payout on each payline contributes to your fortunes, making each spin an opportunity to secure incredible jackpots.

Wild symbols, confined to the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th reels, serve as versatile substitutes, except for the elusive scatter symbol. Accumulate four scatter symbols to unlock the gateway to the free game, awarding you 8 rounds of gratis play. Every additional scatter symbol earned grants an extra 2 rounds, paving the way for extended gameplay and heightened excitement.

The free game feature in “Golden Empire” introduces a cumulative multiplier starting at X1. Witness the multiplier soar with each clearing during free play, with subsequent clearings applying the current cumulative multiplier. What’s remarkable is that multipliers persist and accumulate throughout the entire free game, presenting an enticing opportunity to amass substantial jackpots.

“Golden Empire” is not just a game; it’s an enchanting quest for treasure where every spin holds the promise of a rewarding adventure. Chase after scatter symbols, unlock free games, and revel in the thrill of multiplier bonuses. Whether you’re a newcomer or a seasoned player, the captivating world of “Golden Empire” awaits, offering endless enjoyment and the potential to become the master of the treasure.

AxieBet88: Your Gateway to Golden Empire: As you step into the realm of “Golden Empire,” make AxieBet88 your chosen destination. Our platform ensures a seamless and secure gaming experience, enhancing your journey through an array of exciting games. With swift transactions and a commitment to player satisfaction, AxieBet88 stands as the ultimate gaming hub where adventures come to life.

Dive into the allure of “Golden Empire” at AxieBet88, where mystery, opportunities, and treasures await. Let the reels spin, chase your fortune, and see if you can emerge as the master of the treasure trove. AxieBet88 invites you to join the quest – try your luck today and experience the thrill like never before!

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